Volunteer With Us!
If you don’t think your skills and strengths match any of the positions below but are still interested in contributing to this project please still get in touch with us. All positions are volunteer positions. If you are interested in a specific position please let Michael Chen (chenx734@umn.edu, 098788365) know what position you are interested in and attach your resume.
Assistant Project Manager
The Assistant Project Manager will help the Project Manager with all aspects of running and growing Story Beyond The Ruins including making connections for interviews, coordinating logistics for interviews, managing the web and interview teams, running social media, etc. This position is more flexible in nature and the responsibilities are dictated by the Project Manager. The Assistant Project Manager should have a strong sense of the project and should be a strong communicator.
English Interviewer
Interviews and story collection is the foundation of this project. The English Interviewer will conduct interviews in English. They will be in charge of the entire story generation process, from creating questions for the interview to creating the story with edited audio and other multimedia. The English Interviewer should have a basic understanding or curiosity about the 1988 Armenian earthquake and be willing to learn audio editing through Audacity.
Content Manager/UX Designer
The Content Manager/UX Designer position will work closely with our Armenian web developer. Both roles are in charge of collaboratively solving web issues. The position will be in charge of taking the different elements of the story and putting it online. They will also be in charge of improving the user experience on the website. This Content Manager/UX Designer should have a basic understanding of Squarespace (or have a strong desire to learn) and also enjoy technical problem solving.